Monday, October 15, 2018



NYC, October 15, 2018- Dr. Robert Bard, medical director of Bard Cancer Diagnostics launches his official male-dedicated imaging and analysis program to support the growing male breast cancer cases in the northeast.

After a recent news report about 15 male breast cancer cases from 9/11 first responders in Sept, 2018, Dr. Bard and the Male Breast Cancer Coalition collaborated to form a joint task force of public awareness and a dedicated imaging program for the northeast to help address this gender-specific health threat."  When I first started doing breast imaging, we would see one or two male breast cancer cases per year- but now, I'm seeing more and more men developing benign and malignant breast tumors- mostly with firefighters," states Dr. Bard. "The rate is increasing now because of more pollutants, toxins are increasing in our environment... and elevated level of GMO, hormones and other biologically altering agents in the preservatives in our foods."

According to the Male Breast Cancer Coalition, government health reports show an est. of 2550 new cases in US with a mortality rate between 280-480.  This indicates that over the past 10 years, new cases are up by 22% and mortality rate is up by about 19% from previous years. Advocates collectively attribute much of these numbers due to the lack of public information, misdiagnoses and the emotional resistance in men about a commonly "female" disease.  "Our Mission is to educate people all around the world to the risk of breast cancer in men, ultimately giving men the same fighting chance that their female counterparts have... just like Lung Cancer, Brain Cancer and Liver Cancer-- it knows no gender, age or race." says MBCC co-director Cheri Ambrose. "We hope to have breast checks included in all annual physicals for men one day- combined with updated intake forms asking for cancer in families will go along way in helping to change the way breast cancer is viewed."

Since the early '70s, Bard Cancer Diagnostics has been recognized internationally for beta-testing and employing the cutting edge imaging innovations such as the 3D Doppler Ultrasonic technology to detect and battle cancer.  Dr. Bard's arsenal of high-end scanning solutions delivers real-time, accurate and non-invasive diagnostic conducts wide range of cancer diagnostic protocols including PREVENTION and EARLY DETECTION.  As a seasoned "cancer hunter", Dr. Bard is a highly-published clinical authority in some of the most common cancers cases including prostate, (female) breast, lung and skin. Adding to his list of targeted programs, his design for male breast cancer screening means a special calibration of imaging paradigm to identify and pre-determine traces of IDC invasive ductal carcinoma and other malignancies in the tissues of the male breast often found in specific areas by studying the behavior of the tumor vascular flow under the skin.  The program also addresses continued monitoring for RECURRENCE PREVENTION (which has been reported in a significant percentage of male breast cancer cases)."

Aside from a longstanding career in advanced cancer imaging,  Dr. Bard spends additional time conducting educational seminars for the medical community and awareness projects on the public front. He allied with Awareness for a Cure, a non-profit group supporting the membership and fundraising of all local cancer orgs.  He was recently elected as one of the top members of the Medical & Scientific Advisory Board for the Male Breast Cancer Coalition for his contribution to building a male cancer scanning and recurrence prevention program.

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