Thursday, February 8, 2018

HOW TO SPOT & READ A TUMOR: By Dr. Robert Bard

You can usually catch a tumor that starts to grow. It's like a construction site in that the blood vessels have to build roads towards the site before a tumor can actually happen.

You can actually read parts of the body with a medical Doppler machine  (like the weather radar that shows tornadoes) and see where there might be problems. You could often read whether a tumor is benign or malignant  based on how the blood vessels are flowing to it.

For instance, I had a patient who showed me abnormal MRI results. In my office, I did my Doppler sonogram scan, which is a 3D specialized scan. Because it's digital technology, it only takes five minutes - and while I was scanning him, I said, "Yes, you have a tumor. But there are no blood vessels in it-just one or two nearby vessels." So, I said, "This won't kill you."   This imaging diagnostics works for many tumors and most stages of cancer.

One of the things we've learned about cancerous tumors is that when they get treated and start dying, they may swell with fluid.  This means a tumor getting larger does not necessarily mean the tumor is getting worse.  That's why we study the blood flow. If the tumor has 15 blood vessels before treatment and gets larger but has 3 blood vessels, this often means it's really dying.  In 2013, the definitive R.E.C.I.S.T. European study of cancer treatment verified this phenomenon.

To best describe this is to review a basal cell tumor (image-L); it's a skin cancer. Basal cell is the most common kind of human cancer worldwide and the tumor in the red circle shows up as a dark area. Unlike what a dermatologist tends to assess, our technology can see below the skin.  We can usually tell if these patients need  a 10 minute biopsy or a half-day surgery because we see the depth of the tumor made visible with ultrasound technology.

(Image-R) Here we have another dark spot. This is particularly important in summertime because any dark spot (pigmented lesion) could be a benign mole or might be a malignant melanoma cancer. The Doppler shows the red feeding  arteries and blue draining veins on the right side allowing measurement of  the blood supply in the tumor to determine its aggressive nature or map the blood supply to the tumor showing the surgeon how to minimize blood loss by pointing out  any arteries or veins  to be avoided.

Any man over 60 has got a 60% chance of having cancer.  In many cases, the body may kill cancers off without the benefit of surgery which is why most men with prostate cancer do not need any treatment.  At the end of their life, they don't die from prostate cancer-- only 3% of prostate (and breast) cancers are fatal. This is important for prostate cancer treatment. The reason doctors say they need to operate and cut out the whole prostate is if the biopsy finds a low grade tumor when they cut out the whole prostate and examine it, they often find there's a bigger tumor that the biopsy missed.

(Image-R) The problem with random biopsies is the six core biopsies are 16% accurate and  the 12 or 24 or 98 core biopsies have many side effects. This image shows the standard  red biopsy guidline at 12mm and the biopsy core is  11mm so  you're going to find the low grade cancer. You're completely missing the much larger, more aggressive cancer that's broken out of the prostate. Fortunately, using outpatient laser and thermal treatments (HIFU-cryosurgery), even large FOCAL tumors may be treated under image guidance with sonograms, CT or MRI giving men (and women) the option to avoid the side effects for radical surgery.



Robert L. Bard, MD, PC, DABR, FASLMS is internationally known and recognized as a leader in the field of 21st Century 3-D ULTRASONOGRAPHIC VOLUMETRIC DOPPLER IMAGING. Dr. Bard specializes in advanced 3-D sonography to detect cancers in numerous organs including the breast, prostate, skin, thyroid, melanoma and other areas. Dr. Bard’s images are used to accurately guide biopsies, target therapy and provide focused follow-up after treatment.  As of Jan '18, Dr. Robert Bard spearheaded a partnership with a host of cancer educators, medical practitioners and non-profit foundations (allied under to form a public resource program to aid in the advancement of the public's understanding about self-preservation from cancer and other chronic diseases. EARLY DETECTION & PREVENTION is a global health movement that promotes a higher regard for "clean living" - from toxins and a toxic lifestyle. Our program consists of four main efforts: EDUCATION, COMMUNITY CONNECTION, CURRENT NEWS & CLINICAL RESOURCES. EARLY DETECTION & PREVENTION brings the empowerment of wellness through group seminars, videos and the distribution of current articles & newsletters published/shared to all the major cancer charities and their members. 

For more information or to subscribe to our EARLY CANCER DETECTION & PREVENTION PROGRAM newsletter, contact Bard Cancer Diagnostics today at: 212.355.7017 ( or email us at:

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Beta: Podcast at the ZEV show