Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Dr. Bard Explores Laser-Guided VSEL Therapy in Post-Polio Viral Solution (Part 1)


VSELs by definition are Very Small Embryonic-Like Stem cells.  They are rare stem cells found in adult tissues that may have potential in regenerative medicine. They are slightly smaller than red blood cells and are located in the inner cell mass of the blastocyst during early development. VSELs are quiescent but can be activated during stress and mobilized into peripheral blood. They have a distinct morphology with a high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and undifferentiated chromatin. VSELs also express markers of pluripotent stem cells, such as Oct4, Nanog, and SSEA, and markers of primordial germ cells (PGCs), which suggests they may be related to PGCs. 




Dr. Bard and I started the procedure with a deep discussion, making sure we had his wishlist and an understanding of what he was specifically wanting and trying to get better. By the time we proceeded, we drew eight tubes of blood, we spun it down, and concentrated his plasma. And then we lasered that plasma and prepared the VSELs out of the solution, activating dormant, very small embryonic like stem cells from his blood -dormant since his birth. And then we prepared them for injection into him. We used eight syringes of these VSELs to inject specific parts of him. There were tendons anchoring his right quadriceps. There were tendons anchoring both of his butt muscles. There were muscles and tendons anchoring the end of his quadriceps that help him control his knee whose weakness brings him knee pain.

I believe he was able to tell that when we were doing that needle surgery to put the VSELs to facilitate repair of all those fascia anchors, he could tell that the needle was in the right spot. Because you can tell when you're, when, when you've experienced this for so long and you can feel what's going on inside your body, you have a way of knowing that I'm in the right spot. And then after we finished that part of the procedure, we used the nitrous oxide because it was quite uncomfortable and he was able to breathe.  This made it a whole lot less uncomfortable for him. And we followed that with giving him a little more than 40 CCs. He also took that intravenously with an ozone IV at the same time. So the “babies were piggybacked” into the ozonated blood IV after his blood went through ultraviolet light to clean it. As these cells were going into his body, we used the laser to guide these cells to where we want them to get stuck and where we want them to help. And so we sent these to his brain, to his cerebellum and balance centers down his spinal cord and then into his right thigh.

I'm hoping to see if we could reactivate some of the nerves that were damaged from the polio, because when polio damages nerves, it doesn't interrupt. They're still there, they just don't work. So we're hoping that they're still there enough that we can coax them to work or coax them to health. And we don't know if there's a chance to do that or not, because to the best of my knowledge, this has never been done before (with Post-Polio syndrome). So we are the first ones I would think, to use VSELs in polio for the regeneration of the nervous system and to see if it would work.

When we inject into joints, you can see the cartilage vertical dimension increase. When you inject into rotator cuff tendon, you can subsequently see with ultrasound that the tendon defect filled in. You can also see it on MRI that the defect in the tendon filled in.

We have some patients with Parkinson's in the treatment group from this laser that have shown improvement in 30 minutes. So it can happen pretty quickly. It can also take two or three months before you see a change. You never know.

Beta: Podcast at the ZEV show